Friday, June 10, 2011

International Senior Stockholm

The International Senior Tournament In Stockholm/Täby June 1 to 6 2011th took place while I was having problems. GM Juan Bellon won the event with 6 points from seven games, 1/2 point ahead of GM Victor Kupreichik, WIM Tatyana Fomina; and untitled Russian Boris Goberman. Just like the Senior PGA golf tour, sometimes late blooming players come on strong during their Senior years, while even the very best players while young find the going tough in their decling years.
The first round began at 16:30 on June 1. The next day round two was at 11:00, with the third round again at 16:30. This was the only day with two games scheduled for the same day. The round time for the last four days was 11:00. I can only hope the organizers of Senior events in the US will pay attention.
There were a total of 62 players for the event. If that many players show for the upcoming US Senior, the USCF pooh-bahs will no doubt be jumping for joy, while heartily partying down!
Check it out at:

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