Thursday, July 21, 2011

Just Say No To Monroi

Looking for information on the US Senior on the USCF website, I saw the link to the dreaded Monroi. I regretted clicking on it as soon as I did. Something I read on the website of GM Kevin Spraggett, who has what has to be the most interesting website of any GM, came to mind. He wrote, "Once more MONROI proved to be the wrong medium to host web coverage of leading tournaments. Their site often fails and has bugs that have not been resolved yet." (
I have written much the same, including writing to the Ex Dir of USCF. Since I am not a GM, Kevin's words have much more gravitas than mine! At this time, nothing can beat the DGT board.
There is one feature of Monroi I do like very much, and that is the fact that one can print out a nice scoresheet, which is a great thing for those of us who like to play over the game on a set & board.

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