Friday, July 11, 2008

"Let them eat cake"

Some time ago I read that Senator John McCain could not use a computer to surf the internet. I found that disquieting, to say the least. We have had a two term president who does not read the newspapers and says the only thing he is missing by not reading is "opinion." That would seem to be the very thing he has needed during the first decade of this century...
Just finished reading Paul Krugman's column in the NYTimes and learned that, even with brain cancer, Ted Kennedy showed up on the Senate floor to vote for the Medicare bill. The only Senator absent was John McCain...
The economy is tanking and the man who is McCain's main advisor on the economy, former Senator Phil Gramm was quoted Thursday as saying that the United States was only in a “mental recession” and that it had become a “nation of whiners.”
The article goes on to say that McCain was " distancing himself from former Senator Phil Gramm’s remark." I'll bet he is...
I am reminded, though, of the time before we were Bushwhacked and it was said that, even though George the second did not know much about foreign policy, he would be surrounded by those who did...
I've read that a man is the books he reads and the company he keeps...

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